Training & Education
Six Training Centers
SMART 33 apprentices must undergo five years of classroom instruction while working on jobsites
First Year
Second Year
Third Year
Fourth Year
First Year
- 30 hour OSHA Safety Training
- Applied Sheet Metal Mathematics
- Fractions, Decimals, Percentages, Ratios, Basic Algebra, Roots and Scientific Notation
- Basic Sheet Metal
- Drafting Geometric Construction and Orthographic Projection
- Sheet Metal Layout and Pattern Development
- Basic Layout
- Parallel Line Development
- Radial Line Development
- Triangulation
- Sheet Metal Layout and Shop Fabrication
- Hand Tools and Shop Equipment
Second Year
- Sheet Metal Layout, Pattern Development, and Fabrication – more advanced than year one
- Applied Sheet Metal Mathematics
- Trigonometry
- Architectural Sheet Metal Layout, Fabrication, and Installation
- Oxy-fuel and Shielded Metal Arc Welding
Third Year
- Sheet Metal Layout, Pattern Development, and Fabrication – more advanced than year two
- HVAC Theory
- Airflow – ventilation, heating and refrigeration
- HVAC Duct Systems, and Ductwork Design
- Blueprint Reading, Shop Drawings, and Field Measuring
- Shielded Metal Arc Welding – including mild steel and stainless steel
- Gas Metal Arc Welding of Mild Steel
- An Introduction to Computers
- Sign Fabrication and Installation
Fourth Year
- Customer Service and Supervisory Training
- Applied Sheet Metal Mathematics and Computer Estimating
- Industrial Sheet Metal – blowpipe systems and material handling
- System Commissioning and Energy Management
- Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing
- Automatic Controls
- Food Service and Kitchen Equipment – fabrication, installation, and replacement
- Exhaust Hoods – including laboratory hoods and exhausts
- Gas Metal Arc Welding – stainless steel and aluminum
- Gas Tungsten Arc Welding – stainless steels, kitchen equipment, aluminum, and exhaust hoods
- Plastic Welding